A *New* Program for
Graphic Design

by David Reinfurt

October 10, 2019

Yale University School of Art

An independent graphic designer in New York City, David Reinfurt (MFA in Graphic Design, ‘99) introduced the study of graphic design at Princeton University in 2010. In late September, a book based on his teaching will be published by Inventory Press (Los Angeles) with D.A.P. (New York). A * New * Program for Graphic Design is a do-it-yourself textbook that synthesizes the pragmatic with the experimental and builds on mid- to late-twentieth-century pedagogical models to convey advanced principles of contemporary design. Rooted in three courses (Typography, Gestalt, and Interface) originally developed for liberal arts students, the book provides a broad introduction to graphic design and visual literacy for readers from any discipline. 

 As a co-founder of O-R-G inc., Dexter Sinister, and The Serving Library, Reinfurt has developed several models that have reimagined graphic design and publishing in the twenty-first century. He was 2016– 2017 Mark Hampton Rome Prize Fellow in Design at the American Academy in Rome and is the co- author of Muriel Cooper (MIT Press, 2017). 

Copies of A * New * Program for Graphic Design will be available for purchase. 

1156 Chapel Street 
Graphic Design Atrium 
New Haven, CT 06511