An independent graphic designer in New York City, David Reinfurt (MFA in Graphic Design, ‘99) introduced the study of graphic design at Princeton University in 2010. In late September, a book based on his teaching will be published by Inventory Press (Los Angeles) with D.A.P. (New York). A * New * Program for Graphic Design is a do-it-yourself textbook that synthesizes the pragmatic with the experimental and builds on mid- to late-twentieth-century pedagogical models to convey advanced principles of contemporary design. Rooted in three courses (Typography, Gestalt, and Interface) originally developed for liberal arts students, the book provides a broad introduction to graphic design and visual literacy for readers from any discipline.
As a co-founder of O-R-G inc., Dexter Sinister, and The Serving Library, Reinfurt has developed several models that have reimagined graphic design and publishing in the twenty-first century. He was 2016– 2017 Mark Hampton Rome Prize Fellow in Design at the American Academy in Rome and is the co- author of Muriel Cooper (MIT Press, 2017).
Copies of A * New * Program for Graphic Design will be available for purchase.
1156 Chapel Street
Graphic Design Atrium
New Haven, CT 06511